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Hear it is, the long awaited m8z page! hope you enjoy it lol
It doesnt go in any particular order.

Ben Such *AKA - White Homie*
As i found out on his site weve been m8z for 11 years apparently lol only joking. Bens Soooooo kewl he loves basketball he loves everything n anything to do with bball. I play it with him, he learns alot from me. He playes on monday nights aswell at the civic and plays matches on Saturdays/sundays. Hes always been bigger than me but not much bigger which i find weird :S.. rides his bike alot aswell after fallin off a few times lol, it happens to the best of us Ben. I can tell him anythin and he listens aswell which is kewl. He likes hip hop music, please correct me if its not "hip hop" lol.... Cheers Ben.
I spose hes the cleaver one of the bunch apart from his 3 second memory and lack of geographical knowledge lol. He likes all the music i like god knows why lol . He plays hockey Tuesday nights and matches on Saturdays he also likes long walks on the beach and a glass of wine if anyone (girls) are interested. He doesnt like his own voice so he decided to change it. To a Mr Bean type voice lol. He also playes Bball with Ben and me. I can tell him anything and he tells me everythin!. lol . he also like to play guitar even tho hes just started taken lessons with David tis kewl . . Cheers Wheller.
David my music dude, we always exchange music tis kewl i have a broader musical spectrum cause of Dave. Block Party for one, im listening to them whist im doin this btw lol. Hes goin to c them in October which is KEWLUS!!!  He plays guitar, wierdly enough ive never actually heard him play :S! sorry dave but its true, hes on grade 5 i think so he must be really good. Plus hes really cleaver but never show it when hes out which is soooo kewl .! Cheers Dave!
Leanne. Ive known her since primary school and shes.. Possibly the greatest girl m8 ever lol. She.. i mean, We always have a gr8 laugh when we go out but she laughes more than me tho lol. We tlk about everythin which is kewl. We make jokes outa everythin lol. I couldnt ask for more, Luv ya Leanne. X X X X X
Becky, Bex lol. Such a Kewl person she wants to travel the world like me! but  mainly wants to stay in Australia teaching Snow-boarding! Cant wait for my FREE lesson! Shes fun to hang round with :-) .Has a gd sence in fashion i might add. Likes Rock music (correct me if im wrong)  which is kewl, Luv ya Bex X X X X
Possibly The nicest and most lovley lookin person ive meet, I can tell her absolutly anythin and she makes me feel spech. I am her internet buddy lol. We tlk about EVERYTHIN. She probly doesnt know this but shes helped me through so bad times. Also Del is Juliet in the School production, ya dont get any bettter dan that in Drama Del. She Nice to every1, i dont think she h8s anyone, if she does she doesnt show it! Shes also very cleaver.. I can see ya gona do well Del.  Luv ya lots X X X X X
Always tlking on msn bout everything she always boosts me up lol . Always go out and have a gd time, She drinks quite alot which is kinda funny but positively stupid :P. She introduced me to "Kissing you" which is a really GooD song :-). which in a wierd sence is our song lol Cheers Sheigh and Luv ya X X X X
Lois. My valentine lol, one of a few Gd moments in my live loy, :-). Another Nice and lovley lookin girl always knows what to say. We always tlk loads we might not much atm but im sure sat will soon change. Shes good with children so ive heard. shes best m8z with Del and Lol, She likes goin out with m8z and sometimes gettin pissed lol .  Shes also very very cleaver, Top gal! luv ya Loy X X X X X
Lauren L
Lauren is well cool lol, she plays Drums and shes really good at them aswell, plus she did her first gig this year aswell which was well good. I don't know if she can skateboard but she hangs round with people who can. Dont go out with her much cause shes always working lol :-( but we went out ages ago which was gr8 lol (JACKET) lol. im sure i could tell her anythin lol Luv ya X X X X
What a King as he says, lol. use to be pretty gd m8z back in High street, dno if ya remember lol.  Were always tlkin bout girls these days , hes given me so much (too much) advice lol, Thanx. I could tell ya anythin. Kewl friend :- )  Cheers Jono.